Happy birthday TT and Roy!!
Tdy is a long long day.
Met at 215pm (with delays)
Headed over to artscience museum but tickets have been sold out for the future. :(
So got some food and bites and llao llao, and we slowly walk arnd mbs then finally took train to bugis.
Reach RockU @ arnd 515pm? Started eating but realise, water have to be bought. So I ran down and buy plain water. Hahah
So we slowly eat and slack, till arnd 8pm? Then anyhow walk arnd and decided to head towards Safra tampines's bowling alley to play some bowling.
So I went home to get my van and we drove there. Tdy whole day spend lots and lots of $$$$$$.
After bowling we went to 511 to have meesua. Hahah
The whole day I think we at least spend $100.
Hard earn $ are just gone liddat. Haha
Ok im damn tired now. Time to sleep.
With Regards,
Vivien Chew