Told myself that i have to update frequently!
but it seems that i'm even busier than i'm studying now. haha.
have been gg out everyday.
but still have to update some first! tiny winy everytime, i will soon done with updating everything! haha.
This post about school! haha.
attended so many revision lesson. not kidding. it's like 6 hrs lesson.
but the good thing is, there's break in between uh.
but the bad thing is, HOLY MAMA. THERE'S LESSON ON SAT AND SUN. =.=

so there was 1 lesson, which is so lucky that i got into the same lecture class as Cherie and Fiona.
and we keep taking picture. so paiseh!
cause like scare the teache rsee we taking picture!
cause the lecture was like, nobody. haha.

toilet is a place to take picture cause of the mirror!
standard everytime.,

they damn bad.
i took a photo of myself using larlene's phone.
then grace ask larlene to send her.
what?! i was sleeping in lecture anywhere.
then grace was drawing all this shyt on my photo! grrr

crazy photo taking!

jst take cause it's either we are bored or it's break time! haha.

wah this sucks i swear.
had our lecture in SP's convention centre.
and like sit long liao, the butt seriously will pain!
but it's like sofa. so like, i was sleeping all the way.......................
End of exams.
School feels different.
there's nobody there to accompany me alr.
not gonna go back that frequently alr for real.
what have we become to?