just realise i didnt update anything about my birthday. ahhaha.
gonna upload the family one first.
too lazy to uplaod the one at tp. ahhaha.\
wait till i'm not lazy and when i have the time. hehehe.
okay, actually i think that birthday must blow candle then seem like birthday.
but who knows... what the hell...
i blowed like 4 birthday cakes. hahaha.
it's alot actually.
got ppl say birthday blow too much bday cake also cannot.
why so amfan? ahhaha.
but whatever it is, i went home to blow my birthday cake. :D

they accompany me back home cause i'm gg out with them after the celebrations! haheheh

red egg is kinda impt when it's your birthday. hahaha./

okay, so after my birthday, went to pasir ris to meet ezul, zaini and harith with hanjie for some night outing. hehehe
4 of them are great cause they sang birthday song for me all the way till my birthday ended. hehehe.
it's fun cause they are really funny.
and i know some old tp stories because of them. hahah.
they are really funny.
and the most funny thing is.
i drive harith car.
i could feel the brake but i couldnt feel the accelerator.
simply because there's a clioth covering it and i thought that the accerlator was there.
they jst kept on scolding me! like move move drive drive! i don wanna see the meter bar at 0km/h!
move faster! accelarate! hahaha.
seriously damn funny.
and harith donno his way one.
everytime lose his way.
really is go adventure pls. hahaha.
i had fun with them.
all the stories and stuff. hahaha.
i hope for more of this kind.
but they are in army!
but there's chance i beleive. hahaha.