was late in meeting the class.
i love them. yeah. this small farewell party for Ms Lin certainly make some good memories
and whatever happen are being said out.
like chess club, chairman. hahah.
then got guys go army alr. hahah.
i feel bad for being late.
but i'm glad that my presence created some happiness.
reach the function room, and, i cant hide myself to surprise mslin. hahah.
is because she sit facing the door.
so naturally will se eme what!

so when i reach, had some photo taking time. hehhe.
although this is not the full class photo but certainly all the picture jst created more memories for 4E1. :D

and ms lin forever so thick skin.
when we was taking picture, she would look at the door reflection if she look cute/pretty enough. HAHA

reached late. so went out to write the stars.
and have to write it secretly somemore. lol.

act cute again. tsk.
married liao leh!

and what shocked me is.
aishah told me that we have been in same class for 4 years.
i fcuking don believe.
i was shock.
then all of them join in.
this ppl are with me for 4 years and i didnt know!
1E5, 2E5, 3E1, 4E1.

other than kaili uh. HAHAHAH

i fcuking miss my ahma i swear. hahah
of course need to take picture with her
and they say i have the same hair colour as her. hahaha. <3

it's out of schl time.
she had more makeup.
look more mature? i donno. ahaha

still forever act cute. haha.
it was funny that night. hahha.
she say that i didnt change. (like duhh. i'm still me)
and when she's looking thru the picture, it is fcuking easy to spot me cause i'm still the same. hahah
she say that she was kind of dissapointed when she didnt see me when she enter the function room.
what she said really made me happy.
at least she notice that i'm not there! hehehhehe.
Unbelievable. Ms Lin actually rmb what happen during secondary 2 about my maths. Lol
i still rmb, she was still on practical, being my maths teacher
and Mrs Tan was behind looking at her. lol.
Ms Lin say, (Vivien, what is a^2 minus a?) Me: (^2 (square)) I totally ownage! (Y)
i cant imagine myself from answering that. i sumpa cant rmb that incident.
who ask her! my maths so lousy she still ask me go white board answer question! lol.
she said that she damn shock with my answer.
and that's why i think she rmb about this. hahaha.
i certainly will miss her. i hope to see her real soon.
she's flying to overseas soon. not kidding. it will be like years.
maybe 1 maybe 2. but i still hope to see her.
cause she was the one who see me thru half of my secondary years, motivating me to study for my O levels.
i'm really grateful for her not giving up on me, that i can go poly.
i love her. i really do.