3weeks since i last blogged.
very zai. lol.
i still rmb last time i keep blogging and i keep thinking who will come and read. lol!
ii'm not busy with work.
i'm doing nothing. lol.
maybe because i like to post with pictures.
but i rarely take pictures. lol.
okay, so there's a day, when we go have dinner.
decided on pizza hut cause of the cravings of pizza. lol.
and, it's funny.
they know i'm sleeping.
but nobody dare to give me a call.
cause they scare i'll scold them. hahafha!
they jst told me that i'm damn fierce.
and yes, i think i am. lol.
very straight forward things donno how to do = scold. HAHA!
okay, i shld learn to control my temper. lol.
poor C&F.
always get scolded by me. hahaha!
i cant do anything right?
it's my temper.
okokay, control control. lol.

so on friday, finally that larlene quek is free to go out. lol.
so we went to town to search for my back pack.
there's alot of nice one.
can go there buy alrdy.
btu wait till i go genting and see whether there got sell anot. LOL.
went to far east for food.
then went to tangs, to heeren.

after that went to cineleisure.
which, we went to koufu to get water.
and we played monopoly deal.
for like 2-3hours?
it's damn long pls. hahha.
then the joke of the game is.
weiting wanna deal break my set.
i threw a jst say no.
then she was like so confident and she throw another deal breaker.
but i throw another jst say no!
then she throw all her cards down. HAHAH!
everybody was like laughing!
weiting was so confident!! ahha!

so after playing, weiting was so damn tired that she wants to go home. lol.
so, she went home while the 3 of us walk again. lol.

walk back to far east to walk arnd for awhile.
went to have wanton mee.
talk talk.
and for goodness sake, don eat the desert there. =.=

faster train back to tamp.
we wanted to get a 2.90 watch.
but when we reach, it close alrdy.. :(
then we went to Hans to slack. lol.
really is slack till last bus then go home. lol.
it's always nice to talk about past memories right? lol.

and, off i go to study now!
TT on wed.
although only 1 paper, but there's no hints.
fml. lol.