how long did i last blog? lol.
i think it's 2 weeks. lol.
there's nothing i can blog about? lol.
i think i need a real hair cut.
my mother keep saying that my hair look like some grass!! lol.
some really old pictures.
didnt really gather with the girls during this or last week.
everybody is busy.
so sad. :(
okay, i'm having ulcer.
idiotic chicken macnugget. lol.

we went to eat nihonmura! lol.

okay, now, stress.
i've jst finish my 5days work.
earn damn little.
machiam 10 a day.
because it's short hours.
but it's at tiongbahru. =.=
so you minus your food and your transport, really 10bucks a day! lol.
but, nvm.
i work to waste my time la. lol.
if not my mother will be scolding me everyday at home. lol.
tmr, is my death day. lol.
i was working on last wed, RT suddenly call me.
2 miss call.
i was so afraid.
i called back.
he told me to handover my proj. =.=
i told him this week. (of course la! i last week also no time to do! =.=)
so actually i told him thurs.
he tell me cannot.
because he's on leave.
so he's meeting me Wednesday 2pm in my lab.
where got time? i'm so afraid!
my building haven really finish!
die. seriously. i'm scared. lol.
he want me to type out objectives.
still ask me to do swee swee (pretty pretty) for him to handover to another teacher in charge.
i very stress sia! =/
tmr shall be the day, I DIE.
but still, god bless me.