fast and furious. lol.
went to angeline's 21st birthday. lol.
it was a buffet dinner. lol.
actually was quite boring. =x
i brought my camera.
but really didnt use it. lol.
jst anyhow take picture.
and the dumb thing is, i also took their family picture. =.=
so, now, only post pictures that are link to me la! lol

this is angeline with Satays!! lol

her brithday cake.

she look so stiff. lol


G801. :)

b irthday song!

make a wish!

thijs was the card we bought.

jst anyhow take somep picture la. lol

we played mahjong.
wah, really, long and long. lol.
we was playing so slow.
and huichen cannot see us playing so slow, take over me to try to play faster. lol.
in the end, i won 20bucks. lol.
but not gonna spend it. lol.
it was meant to cover the present's money.
and yes, tmr i've another mahjong game. lol.
cfm damn shabby. lol.
20bucks is alot sia. lol.
home at 3.45am.
damn tired.
gonna go sleep.
goodnight! :D
<3 to my lovely babes out there! :D