it's been long i last blog right?
but i'm having a super-duper boring life now.
there's nothing to blog about! lol.
everyday standard.
morning wake up, go schl.
evening go home.
but now is world cup season.
so maybe watch some world cup los. haha.
i think i spam twitter till ppl feel angry alrdy. lol.
cause when i'm watching soccer of teams which i like, i keep tweeting at twitter. lol.
i think this is totally crap sia. lol.
they both girls, donno what to do, keep asking me (Vivien, now do what ah?)
ownself go think la!
i did alot of things alrdy leh! =.=
they both reallly can banged wall. =.=
i passed them a programming.
they read and read.
then they say (eh, vivien, this one is simplify one right? if not why so short?)
you think i so pro?!
know hw to type the whole programming out?! =.=
you all 太看得起我了吧?! =.=
okokay, let's see what shall i write..
Actually really nothing much. lol.
Last friday, 25th June 2010.
after schl, i rushed down to somerset to buy 2AM's album. <- LOL right?!
but then, i really feel like seeing 2AM mah.
BOBIAN. lol.
if you buy the album, there got the showcase ticket.
then the showcase ticket, got one place to scratch.
cause a few of the lucky winners of the scratch card, can get 2am's autograph!! >.<
but i think i wont get it.
because my friend in front got the autograph.
and i bought behind her.
so... ya... :(
the event is on 10July at IMM.
IMM so damn freaking small pls! how to squeeze?! =.=
then on saturday 26th June.
went to ECP with june and wanquan.
had dinner over there!
chicken wings, Stingray, satay, kang kong, oyster egg and hump(ewwww!)
it looked alot. but we still managed to eat finish. lol.
was suppose to see the eclipse.
but, didnt really get to see it. lol.
after that, went back to tamp.
then me and wanquan went to watch midnight movie. lol.
watched Knight And Day.
Tom cruise! lol.
Cameron Diaz!

can see that they have some age in this show.
the wrinkles and stuffs.
Poor AngWanQuan.
she sprained her ankle during training on thursday.
and her ankle is really swollen like a elephant leg. =.=
i think she's too nervous over touch football.
she got tournament on 10july.
the point is, she wanna go running on trng on Tuesday. =.=
hello?! 5days?!
your ankle still having recover pls!
you still wanna go running?!
at least wait for your ankle to recover pls! =.=
totally cant stand her pls. ! =.=

isnt he cuteeee?!
he joined wgm.
his wife is victoria. lol.
i think this couple will be better.
because it's like they both are foreigners.
then it's like.
they are more 'open' than koreans? lol
but victoria is really not pretty. =.=
it's the first epi, the first meeting, they actually have their heads to heads alrdy.! (Y)
really wanna watch wgm now! lol.

i think it's so sad.
because the additional of the KhunToria couple, last week, yongseo only have less than 20mins of showtime! :(
still got favourite taeyeon went to visit their house.
yeah, i hope for more epi, longer showtimes for them! lol.

yeah yeah, finally.
SNSD, won the first half year of K-chart in Music Bank!!! (Y).
Taeyeon was unhappy.. :(
but then, alot of reported news also says that Music bank is not a very good place.
i mean like, the Onew fainted, the mic and stuffs.
when snsd is performing Oh!, Taeyeon was moodless.
her solo and stuffs, her face totally no expression. :(
Let's hope snsd come to singapore soon!! (Y)
yawns, i feel like sleeping. lol.
they both are talking crap now.
they anyhow research, anyhow read some notes, anyhow think that how the thingy work.
at beside listen, can really think that, THEY BOTH REALLY DONNO WHAT'S ENGINEERING ABOUT? lol.
i'm serious!
wires, breadboard, seven seg, they all donno!? =.=
how to connect pic to board, they also donno?!
the wire is temp sensor, they also donno?!
i'm so zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. =.=
okokay, forget it.
no point complaining. lol.
bye! lol.