we lost.
yes, we lost.
we're out of champions league.
i was happy with the line up.
because rooney suddenly appear on the team sheet.
and i'm happy that ferguson put rafael than neville.
because neville cant handle ribery's speed.
we started really well.
but everything changes when it's the second half.
Rafael inexperience, cost him a Red card.
and the thing that i'm super angry with is, the Germans.
when i was watching, i saw rafael tugged ribery.
yes, i know that it's wrong.
but ribery pushed rafael in the end.
after that, the ref blow the whistle,
what the hell is this?
giving pressure to the ref?
the ref actually didnt want to give a yellow.
but all of them crowd and stress the ref until the ref assure them that he will give a card.
which becomes a double yellow to a Red card.
this is so damn irritating. ZZZZZZZZzz.
playing without striker is CMI. zzz.
Ferguson brought on Giggs and Berbatov in the end.
berbatov being the lone striker again.
pls! he cant score!. zzz.
i rather he put on the inexperience Macheda!. zzz.
Macheda is super good in penalty box!
i'm damn angry with he sub on berbatov. zzz.
then giggs was totally useless.
the camera didnt even take him much.
the substitues was not the best sub tonight.
wrong decision. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZz.
okay, enuff of it. =.=
i swear i'm gg bankrupt.
i'm gg out amost everyday tdy.
and when i'm gg out, i spend alot. ZZZZ.
money not enuff!
and i didnt even work.
so i'm using my savings to survive me. ZZZ
that means, when schl re-open, I CANNOT EAT.
i swear my MP/SIP is gg to be SO DAMN FREAKING DIFFICULT. ZZZ.
my grp is under Mr R T.
(security lecturer)
deny and hansel gg to make a proposal for a building in singapore, from Green Building Gold, to become a Green Building Platinum.
it's difficult because they need to go and compete with other schls.
they need to do alot of paper work.
stilll got other teams.
they gg out for attachment.
one team even went to honeywell.
but for my team, it's gonna be HELL.
we need to create a new device. ZZZZ.
that device, can be mount to the mirror.
test how much is the light LUX and the temperature CESIUS coming in from the mirror.
the teacher sure knows how to kill us pls.
we may need to use mct, dfund all this stuffs.
we see we 3 girl's face, who know how to do all those?!
i swear the project is really making us crazy.
i don want to fail my mp/sip.!! =(
i'm lazy to complain so much.
i'm getting more and more pekchek. zzzz
Chalet's picture!
picture with ahma.
she damn mafan pls.
we take the picture, donno take how many times.
because there's a hole in her hair.
after taking and reviewing the photo, she keep shouting.
cause of the hole. ZZ.
so we keep re-take and re-take and re-take. zz.

goodbye humans.
don miss me.
but i miss korea.
because they're many shows that not broadcasting again!
thanks to the sinking naval ship. =/