ii today got NPCC... but ii did not wan to go...
then ZhiHui pull me go...once ii go, ii was being [Sabo] to become the Timer!!!
then ii keep laughing...
then ii was like forgotten all the commands...[because ii long time nver go NP le]...
then nvm... change timer...
then had a 2mins break...
then went to the car pouch...
Then we Played the [Names Game]... which be euu mus read everybody name...
iif not euu will do 4 feet...
then ii kanna 4 feet... Dammit!!!
then they give me a thingy...
They ask me to choose 2 plants...
ii choose the plant wif lot more leaves...
then they ask me to go n [molest] The plants for 20 second!!!
then no chioce... ii go n [molest]...
then they was like keep laughing...
then ii went to the Teacher's Day Concert Rehearse...
2E5 have finally settle all the unhappiness wiif 2E1...
[although s0me 2E1 ppl may not agree...]
but they jus let us perform on the stage...
Then today was the Last n 0nly rehearsal...
2E5 went...
we will be after the a solonist name[farawah???]
Be4 Malay Dance...
2E5 iis goiing to perform on Teacher's Day Concert!!!
We perform n perform... then ii keep laughing... because Terence dance like [wood]...
then ii keep laughing... then everybody keep looking at each 0thers f0r the dance step.... lol...
then after we perform... we BOW... then Sliver said wait...
then we stand on the stage...
Sliver said the the fiirst person infront[Larlene]...
She dance very Seriously!!!
then Larlene was at there very [No Face]... hahax...
then we faster run down from the Stage...
Run towards Mrs Tan...
Mrs Tan say tat we dance very Well...
Very nice...
But she said tat Terence dance like a [wooden block]...
then ii keep laughing...
Then she said tat ii dance very happily...
iit Seems tat ii m very Enjoyed wif this thingy...
Mrs Tan wish us the best for tmr...
[Mrs Tan!!! we will do the best performance we can give euu!!!]