Hate u...
hey... everybody out there... i tink only rachel ba... lol... because on rachel would come to my blog to visit me... hahax...
Hey... we today playing tournament mah... lolz...
The final answer is we LOSE... haiz...
very weird lorx... today is tournament day mah... everybody should concentrate n play properly mah...
Then i really got concentrate leh... then i donno y they all in very very low sprit leh...
i very rarely will run very fast de... but all my fren donno y cannot play properly de...
sianz sia... diao... -.-|||
final score is 9-25... 9 is US... 25 is Dunman High Secondary... haiz...
Then after the whole match... teacher told us tat mus bring the water container n the basketball back home...
Then i very 'kind' de mah... i helping my fren the size small small take... Then nvm... she help me oso lar... Then we went to the 69 bus stop...
Then horx... i was the last person in BCG to board on the bus...
None of the BCG ppl is caring me!!!... Stupid seh...
I was ownself taking the big container mah... Then actually none of the BCG ppl saw me lorx... bloody hell...
I wanna take out my ez-link card... then i only got 1 hand...
Then the bus was actually Double - decker...
Then everybody of BCG went to upstairs... *as i said tat i m the last person*...
Then i was bringing my damn heavy bag... then another hand taking the BIG container...
then BCG everybody walk up the stair n went to the top-layer to sit...
i was at the staircase... i very difficult to walk because my hands r very heavy... then the BIg container so big...
i very difficult go n bring up the container mah... then i at the staircasze actually shouting for my fren to help me... But none of them actually heard me... i was shouting very loud alrdy lorx... bloody idiot...
Then i was damn angry n went down to the bottom-layer...
i was standing at there... n upstairs was like nobody actually found out tat i m not there... Hell seh...
Bloody hell lar... BCG like no frenship de...